Genesis is a UK based company focused on the development of small to medium size wind power projects.
Our primary objective is to help facilitate the UK's transition to a less carbon-intensive and more secure energy mix.

Although Genesis has worked with landowners and local communities on new development proposals, our primary area of focus is on the financing and management of approved wind energy projects from construction through commissioning and into operation. We aim to tailor the financing structure to the specific characteristics of the project, working closely with the developer or land owner to ensure a streamlined and trouble-free installation and a sustainable financial structure. Genesis is one of a very small number of specialists focused on achieving financing for projects operating under the feed-in-tariff (FiT) scheme, and we are always interested to hear of new projects which could benefit from this kind of support.

We are also open to new approaches from investors with an interest in supporting developments in this area.




If you are interested in discussing any of these matters further, please contact us.